
The problem I have making jewellery is that I don’t make enough! An idea pops into my head and I promptly go to my workroom to find the beads I need – only I get distracted by other beads as I empty my colour coded bags. I end up making something totally different to what I set out to do and I can’t see the table for strands of gems all over it. Still, I end up with a piece which I think would look great at the end.

Yesterday was such a day. I had to do some wifely chores first though – hoovering, putting the washing on the line outside and a general dust around with Mr Sheen (that’s furniture polish, not an actor) – then it was off to make something gorgeous.

I was in a turquoise mood. I’d spotted something on Pinterest which inspired me, so I pulled out my ‘turquoise bag’. I find it’s easier to keep gems of similar colour together in large muslin bags, that way I’m not rummaging through trying to find what I want (it also helps the distraction factor).

I found the beads I wanted…but then I saw some unusual shaped magnesite which I’d forgotten about. There was a tube of 24kt gold plated spacer beads on the table, which I hadn’t put away from being recently delivered, and I thought the two together looked like a great match.


I kept two of the magnesite to make earrings. I couldn’t really make them a straight drop because the beads are top drilled, so I copied the design I used for my hoop pearl earrings. They were a bit fiddly because I’m a bit ocd on perfection – if it doesn’t look right or I’ve made a mistake I’ll start again from scratch. It’s a wonder I get ANYTHING from a strand to jewellery!

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I Mean Business!

Ok, so in my last post (waaay back in November) I said jewellery making is my hobby. Well, it still is, but it’s going to be a bit more than that – I decided a few weeks ago to start selling my pieces online. I’m not so keen on the craft fair circuit as I like to be at home, and I still have the garden design business to run. So I joined the FOLKSY website to give it a go and see how I get on.

There’s loads of things I need to think about while I’m setting off on this new adventure: style (do I need one?) ; pricing (how much is too much – or too little?); selling (who are my customers?); time (shall I allocate specific days to make?); website (should I have one of my own or not?) packaging (so much to choose from!).

I know the business side of it like HMRC returns, insurance, presentation etc. but I also need to think about the creative and practical side of The Reluctant Gem.


I went out for dinner with some professional friends last night, and one asked about a particular gemstone featured on my Facebook page. I haven’t put it up for sale yet so I hadn’t decided on a price, but it would be in the region of £45. ‘Is that ALL?!!’, he said, somewhat taken aback. Here’s my dilemma (and I’ve touched on this before) – one person will happily pay for what I think is a good price, while others would not pay anywhere near it. Now I’m thinking it’s priced too low and he’ll think it’s cheap so won’t want it as a gift for someone. Which brings me back to one of my questions – who are my customers? I’ll have to make a decision soon!